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4 Brim Black Hat Size 7 1 2

Xenopus is an essential vertebrate model system for biomedical research

  • Share 83% human disease genes
  • Ease of genomic manipulation
  • Large eggs and embryos with rapid external development
  • Ease of housing
  • Produce hardy eggs year-round
  • Learn more about Xenopus

Adapted from Wheeler & Brändli 2009 Dev Dyn 238:1287-1308" data-original-title="Divergence in time (Mya)" src="/anatomy/static/intro/MOD%20phylogenetic%20tree.png" style="">

  • Antibodies
  • Morpholinos
  • Guide RNAs (gRNA)
  • ORFeome
  • CRISPR/TALEN Support
  • Transgenic Lines
  • Small Molecules Wiki
  • Protocols Wiki
  • Obtain Clones
  • Obtain Frogs and Equipment
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European Xenopus Resource Center

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4 Brim Black Hat Size 7 1 2
